Feeling scattered + overwhelmed? Struggling to find time to get things done?

A Power Hour Coaching Session will help you gain clarity on the next right step for your life or business!


Does this sound like you?

  • You feel like you don’t even know where to start when you sit down to work.

  • You’re bombarded by emails and their priorities begin to take precedence over your own.

  • You’ve been busy all day, yet when you look at your to-do list at the end of the day, you haven’t actually gotten anything done.

  • You know the things you NEED to do to move your business forward, yet you’re stuck getting started or actually implementing them.

  • You have a million ideas but you never seem to find time to actually follow through with completing them.

  • You never feel like you actually have time for the things you want to do because there’s always something else that’s more important.

  • You’re overwhelmed with the big projects you have that you can’t even seem to get started.

Power Hour Coaching Sessions were designed for busy female entrepreneurs

who want help with…

>> getting things crossed off your to-do list

>> finding time in your schedule to be present with your family, get things done around the house, and actually REST

>> moving forward with projects and ideas you’ve been putting off so that you can finally complete them

>> working fewer hours + make more money in your business — without sacrificing yourself, your sleep, or your sanity


What’s included…



You’ll receive a form to fill out upon booking your call so that we can clarify our focus for our call.


60-minute Video Call

We will work through what you want to focus on for our hour-long sessions so that you leave with clarity moving forward.



You’ll receive a detailed action plan summarizing our call to help you move forward in your life + business.

Don’t wait another minute of your precious time struggling to find more of it to get things done and let’s work together to create the perfect solution for your life + business!

Book a Single Session

ONLY $297

Ongoing Monthly Coaching

Starting at $497 per month

(3-month minimum commitment)

A Power Hour Coaching Session is for you if…

You’re tired of feeling stuck + scattered when it comes to your productivity.

If you feel like you never know where to start when it comes to your to-do list or you just can never seem to get everything accomplished, a Power Hour session is for you! This is also for you if you know you need better systems in place that allow you to delegate and automate more in your business so that you can free up more of your time. We will walk through your schedule, create a plan + systems, or find more time in your day so that you can step into the true CEO of your business you were meant to be!

You know you need support and accountability to get things accomplished.

You’ve tried doing this alone before and you’ve gotten nowhere. You want someone to help you come up with solutions and keep you accountable when things get tough - because we both know they will. We will find the next right step for you when it comes to your life + business — TOGETHER, in just 60 minutes!

You want to have time for the things that are most important to you.

You’re tired of feeling busy and unaccomplished all the time. You’re tired of your house being a mess, but you also just want time to rest on the weekends. You know you were created for a purpose and want that feeling of accomplishment at the end of the day, knowing you’re making an impact on the people you’re working with — yet still have time for the things you love most! You will leave our Power Hour sessions with clarity on how to focus on the right things during your day so that you have time for the important things in your life!

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I’m Kristen — a former physical education teacher turned entrepreneur. I help busy female entrepreneurs like you create schedules + systems in your business so that you have more time for the things you love!

I will never forget watching my daughter get on the bus for her first day of kindergarten... from a video my husband sent me while I was in teacher meetings at the beginning of the school year. 😭

It was that moment I vowed that I would never miss out on any of those big moments ever again.

But, 6 months after quitting my job I wasn't feeling free or flexible.

I was working from the time my kids went to school until I had to head to the bus stop to pick them up, working through my lunch, and even taking my computer out to the bus stop some days.

I felt like my life + business were completely out of control and I was too busy to actually have time to take care of my house and have time to myself (things I desperately wanted to have).

It wasn't until I learned how to prioritize my time and my to-do list, and finally set boundaries for myself that I was able to start taking Fridays off, enjoying afternoon beer dates with my husband and actually reading (and finishing) books.

And that's exactly what I want to help YOU do in a Power Hour Coaching Session! Let’s get your life + business organized + under control so that you have time for the things you WANT to be doing (not the things you HAVE to be doing)!


Don’t wait another minute of your precious time struggling to find more of it to get things done and let’s work together to create the perfect solution for your life + business!

Book a Single Session

only $297

Ongoing Monthly Coaching


(3-month minimum commitment)

Got questions before you purchase a Power Hour Coaching Session?

Send me an email — I personally respond to each + every email I receive!