Grow a successful business without working more hours! Introducing the 4-Day Work Week Blueprint - get yours now and have time for family + achieve your goals!

It’s officially springtime, which means you’re probably starting to feel the itch to get some spring cleaning done. As soon as we had one nice day, we were outside getting our garage cleaned out.

But, have you ever thought about “spring cleaning” your productivity and cleaning up your schedule a little bit?

My 1:1 clients have been spending a lot of time cleaning up our schedules to help us better prioritize our tasks and spend time on the things that are most important – in both our lives AND our businesses.

Here are 9 things you can do to help you boost your productivity and clean up your schedule this spring:

Declutter your to-do list.

Don't let a disorganized to-do list bog you down. We all have too much on our plates and it's easy for tasks that are no longer relevant or important to slip in there, cluttering up your view! Get rid of the unnecessary stuff and break larger goals into small chunks - this way you can focus on what needs doing right away without getting overwhelmed.

Set realistic goals.

As a high-achieving entrepreneur, it can be easy to set these super high goals that maybe aren’t quite as realistic as you think they are. Sure, achieving $10K months is a GREAT goal and one you should definitely shoot for, but if you’re currently only bringing in $1K each month, that $10K goal isn’t too realistic in the near future.

Try breaking that goal down into more realistic goals, like doubling your income this month or every month, making that $10K goal much more achievable in the long run.

In addition, set realistic goals each day for your to-do list. You’re busy, I get it, but the more you put on your to-do list and your schedule, the LESS you’re actually going to get done. What is realistic for you to get done with your current schedule?

Take breaks.

We live in a culture that praises busyness. If you’re not constantly doing something, then you’re not doing enough.

However, a lack of breaks can lead to massive burnout – and you’ve got a business to run!

Instead, take some breaks throughout the day and the week. You don’t have to work 80 hours a week to be productive or make the income you want to make. You can work 4 hours a day, 4 days a week, and be just as productive or MORE productive because you’ve prioritized the right things in your life and business.

Breaks don’t have to be long – even just getting up from your desk 5-10 minutes every hour can make a world of difference in your productivity.

Delegate tasks.

I want you to hear me when I say this:

You DO NOT have to do it all.

I am a control freak, but I also don’t want to waste my time on things that are time-consuming tasks that I don’t need to be doing.

What things can you delegate that will free up time so you can focus on the things that only you can do?

Automate tasks.

In addition to delegating, there may be some tasks that can actually be automated in your business. Are you scheduling your social media posts? Do you have an email funnel that automates sales for you? Doing these things can save you a lot of time and energy so that you can focus, again, on the things that only YOU can do.

Use a productivity app.

I love a good app, and there are SO many that can help you with productivity. One of my absolute favorite apps that I use almost every day is the FocusKeeper app. This is an automated Pomodoro timer set for 25-minute work intervals with a 5-minute break. You’d be shocked just how much more productive I am when I use the app versus the days I don’t!

Get organized.

When you think of spring cleaning, this is probably the first thing you think of – and for good reason. A cluttered space can lead to a cluttered mind. Take some time to organize + declutter not just your workspace, but any high-traffic areas (i.e. kitchen, living room) in your home as well. This will help you focus on what’s important and be more productive.

Set a schedule and stick to it.

I can’t emphasize a schedule enough. And I understand that you might have an unpredictable schedule due to a work schedule or things out of your control with your family. But, what if you could plan out SOME structure in your day or week?

I’m a big proponent of flexibility because, let’s be real, perfection is NOT reality. But, having a plan ahead of time, whether you’re planning your week out or day by day, can help you stay on track and be more productive during your day.

Take care of yourself.

I know you’ve heard this before, but you can’t pour from an empty cup. You want to give the most to your clients, customers, and family? Then you have to take care of yourself too. How much sleep are you getting each night? Are you taking care of your body with nutritious food and regular exercise? When you take care of yourself, you'll have more energy and focus, which will lead to improved productivity.

Following these tips can help you "spring clean" your productivity and get more done in less time. So what are you waiting for? Start cleaning up your act today!

Need some help “spring cleaning” your productivity and your schedule? Beyond Busyness™ can help you increase your productivity, work fewer hours, and make more money!